Hermit crabs are a cool pet to own and are generally pretty low key. But taking care of them is a chore in itself and requires some very specific needs! In this video you will get some basic care tips including constructing his environment, foods and more!
If your cray fish or crawfish has tiny tiny worms crawling over the shell, watch this how-to video to fix the problem.The worms are found in almost all Crawfish and harmless, however they're not always visible and f they get too numerous they can be cleaned off.Get a VERY soft bristled brush (A baby's hair brush to be precise) and brush as many worms off as you can.Although he was clearly stressed out during the brushing, he's much happier now and much more active!
This all-encompassing tutorial series covers all aspects of hermit crabs, from what they are, to how to house them, feed them, and generally take care of them. Learn everything you need to know to take care of your pet "hermie."
This video gives information on hermit crabs, and how to properly take care of them. Learn the common mistakes people make raising hermit crabs, how to avoid them, and how to build a good home for hermit crab pets.
Learn how to take care of hermit crabs and make them a home. This video tutorial covers the items a hermit crab needs in its habitat as well as what to expect when having a pet hermit crab.